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Donagh Parish Weekly Bulletin:
Parish Office For all enquiries: Call Parish Office 047- 87221 9am - 2pm Monday - Friday NEW EMAIL: Fr Hubert Martin 087 965 8829 St Vincent De Paul Freephone Number - 1800 677 777 St. Mary’s, Glennan: Sat 22nd March (6.30pm) Anniv: Jack Boylan, Glaslough, also remembering Dot & dec’d members of Boylan, Greenan & Loughran families. Anniv: George & Kathleen Reynolds, Kilnadrain. Sr Anne Joseph Reynolds & dec’d members of Reynolds, McMullan & Halligan families. Anniv: Danny & Loretta Aughey. Tue 25th March (10am) Wed 26th March (10am) Thur 27th March (10am) Sat 29th March (6.30pm) Vigil St. Patrick’s, Corracrin: Sun 23rd March (11am) Fri 28th March (7.30pm) Anniv: John Sherlock, Clarna. Anniv: Peter & Mary McAree, Derilla. Anniv: Annie Murphy & Eileen Simpson, Tirnaneill & dec’d members of Simpson family. Anniv: Patrick & Margaret Anne Kelly, Stramore & dec’d members of McNally family, Dundonagh. Sun 30th March (11am) Donagh Oratory: Mon 24th March (10am) Tue 25th March (5-7.30pm) Eucharistic Adoration. Tue 25th March (7.30pm-8pm) Stations of the Cross - Our Lady’s Way of The Cross. Prayers of the faithful Celebrant: The Lord is the saviour of all people and so we present our prayers before him confident that we shall be heard. We pray for all the boys and girls in 6th class in our parish who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Cathedral this Sunday…..Lord, hear us.  That governments and authorities may work for peace and harmony between people and have great care for the environment which is home for all….Lord, hear us. That during this season of reconciliation and forgiveness we may offer and seek forgiveness for ourselves as the Lord has forgiven us...Lord, hear us. That children and young people in our families and community may find inspiration and example through the Gospel message and our faithful witness as Christ’s followers...Lord, hear us. That God’s healing touch may bring peace and wholeness to all those who are suffering illness, disease or mental distress….Lord, hear us.  Celebrant: God of love and gentleness, hear our prayers and grant them according to your will that we might live in union with you and at peace with one another. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Eucharistic ministers: St Mary’s Glennan: 29th March Geraldine McCarron, Rosemarie Gallagher. St. Patrick’s, Corracrin: 30th March Shane Connolly, Owenie McAree. Recently deceased: Karen Dolan, Dublin. Roseann Rafferty, Armagh. Sacrament of Confirmation We would like to wish the 6th class pupils from Corracrin NS, St. Mary’s NS & Edenmore NS well as they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in St. Macartan’s Cathedral at 3pm today, 23rd March. We thank their teachers, parents/guardians, families & sponsors who have guided, prepared and supported the children in their religions education. We hope you all have a wonderful & memorable day. Donagh Annual Blessing of Graves 2025 will be as follows:· Sat 9th Aug after 6.30pm vigil mass in St. Mary’s Glennan · Sun 10th Aug after 11am mass in St. Patrick’s, Corracrin. Special Lenten Talk: Archbishop Eamon Martin DD. Topic: Jubilee Year - Pilgrims of Hope. Venue: St Joseph’s Pastoral Centre, Monaghan. Tuesday 25th March at 7.30pm. Everybody welcome (free admission). Sponsored by: The Knights of St. Columbanus. Service of Wholeness & Healing,  Sunday 23rd March at 7pm in St Salvators Church, Glaslough followed by light refreshments. Message from Trócaire: Out of respect for the environment and in an effort to mitigate climate change, Trócaire has cut back on the quantity of little cardboard coin boxes. But the needs are still as great as ever, and people continue to give generously through the Parish Envelope system.   Last year Donagh Parish contributed €7430.63. A sincere thank to all who contributed. Eucharistic Adoration: Calling all adorers of the Blessed Sacrament in Clogher Diocese. National Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock on Sunday 6th April. Call Glen on 086 827 5437 to enquire or book a seat. Full bus details on Ulster Provincial Pioneer Council host National Ball 2025: Saturday 5 th April, Mass in St Macartan’s Cathedral at 6.00pm, followed by dinner in Four Season’s Monaghan at 7.30pm. Music and dancing to Brendan McCahey Band. For more information contact Jim Halligan 087 673 4553. The Novena of Hope at The Graan: Sat 22nd March: 6.30pm Sunday services: 9am, 10.30am, 12 noon and 4pm   Weekdays: 12.30pm and 7.30pm, (except Wed 26th March, Mass at 11am & 7.30pm.)  Wed 26th March: Service for the Sick at 2.30pm.   Sat 29th March: 11am and 6.30pm. Sun 30th March: 9am, 10.30am, 12noon & 4pm.   Mon 31st March: 12.30pm and 7.30pm. The Graan phone: 048 66 322272.  Ann Mc Mahon and Fran Boyle are planning to walk a marathon (42k) on Saturday 5th April between Monaghan and Emy Lake in aid of Monaghan Alzheimer society and Monaghan Samaritans. The Samaritans are opening a new branch in Monaghan town at the end of June and will provide a listening ear to those feeling anxious and overwhelmed. We all know someone living with a diagnosis of dementia and the Alzheimer society locally provides much needed support to them and their families. All donations no matter how small will be gratefully received and can be given to Ann or Fran, or via the link to idonate by clicking walking marathon on  Thank you. Emyvale Leisure Centre: The Centre is 40 years old this year and the committee is grateful that major funding towards the roof was recently announced. A Community Celebration will be held in May, with people and clubs invited to share their memories and photographs of events held in the building since 1985. Contact Mary on 087 311 7271 if you wish to show anything for this historic display.  Emyvale Tidy Towns  Monaghan Co. Council supplied a bundle of native Irish tree saplings to mark Tree Week.  The National Spring Clean will be held on Saturday March 29th, in conjunction with the Monthly Litter Pick. A supply of bags and pickers will be distributed at 11am at the Parish Field carpark if you’d like to collect some for your own area. Refreshments will be provided afterwards.  Glaslough market - Saturday 29th March from 10am-4pm.  Lots for all the family ranging from cakes and bakes to jewellery and household items.  Please show your support to all the traders. A great day out for all the family. Donagh Development Fun Run and Walk (5k and 10k). To raise funds for toilet facilities at Emy lake, Friday 4th April. Emyvale GAA grounds. Registration 6.30pm - start 7pm.  €10 entry, kids under 16 free, refreshments afterwards.
Donagh Parish Weekly Bulletin:
Parish Office For all enquiries: Call Parish Office 047- 87221 9am - 2pm Monday - Friday NEW EMAIL: Fr Hubert Martin 087 965 8829 St Vincent De Paul Freephone Number - 1800 677 777 St. Mary’s, Glennan: Sat 22nd March (6.30pm) Anniv: Jack Boylan, Glaslough, also remembering Dot & dec’d members of Boylan, Greenan & Loughran families. Anniv: George & Kathleen Reynolds, Kilnadrain. Sr Anne Joseph Reynolds & dec’d members of Reynolds, McMullan & Halligan families. Anniv: Danny & Loretta Aughey. Tue 25th March (10am) Wed 26th March (10am) Thur 27th March (10am) Sat 29th March (6.30pm) Vigil St. Patrick’s, Corracrin: Sun 23rd March (11am) Fri 28th March (7.30pm) Anniv: John Sherlock, Clarna. Anniv: Peter & Mary McAree, Derilla. Anniv: Annie Murphy & Eileen Simpson, Tirnaneill & dec’d members of Simpson family. Anniv: Patrick & Margaret Anne Kelly, Stramore & dec’d members of McNally family, Dundonagh. Sun 30th March (11am) Donagh Oratory: Mon 24th March (10am) Tue 25th March (5-7.30pm) Eucharistic Adoration. Tue 25th March (7.30pm-8pm) Stations of the Cross - Our Lady’s Way of The Cross. Prayers of the faithful Celebrant: The Lord is the saviour of all people and so we present our prayers before him confident that we shall be heard. We pray for all the boys and girls in 6th class in our parish who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Cathedral this Sunday…..Lord, hear us.  That governments and authorities may work for peace and harmony between people and have great care for the environment which is home for all….Lord, hear us. That during this season of reconciliation and forgiveness we may offer and seek forgiveness for ourselves as the Lord has forgiven us...Lord, hear us. That children and young people in our families and community may find inspiration and example through the Gospel message and our faithful witness as Christ’s followers...Lord, hear us. That God’s healing touch may bring peace and wholeness to all those who are suffering illness, disease or mental distress….Lord, hear us.  Celebrant: God of love and gentleness, hear our prayers and grant them according to your will that we might live in union with you and at peace with one another. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Eucharistic ministers: St Mary’s Glennan: 29th March Geraldine McCarron, Rosemarie Gallagher. St. Patrick’s, Corracrin: 30th March Shane Connolly, Owenie McAree. Recently deceased: Karen Dolan, Dublin. Roseann Rafferty, Armagh. Sacrament of Confirmation We would like to wish the 6th class pupils from Corracrin NS, St. Mary’s NS & Edenmore NS well as they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in St. Macartan’s Cathedral at 3pm today, 23rd March. We thank their teachers, parents/guardians, families & sponsors who have guided, prepared and supported the children in their religions education. We hope you all have a wonderful & memorable day. Donagh Annual Blessing of Graves 2025 will be as follows:· Sat 9th Aug after 6.30pm vigil mass in St. Mary’s Glennan · Sun 10th Aug after 11am mass in St. Patrick’s, Corracrin. Special Lenten Talk: Archbishop Eamon Martin DD. Topic: Jubilee Year - Pilgrims of Hope. Venue: St Joseph’s Pastoral Centre, Monaghan. Tuesday 25th March at 7.30pm. Everybody welcome (free admission). Sponsored by: The Knights of St. Columbanus. Service of Wholeness & Healing,  Sunday 23rd March at 7pm in St Salvators Church, Glaslough followed by light refreshments. Message from Trócaire: Out of respect for the environment and in an effort to mitigate climate change, Trócaire has cut back on the quantity of little cardboard coin boxes. But the needs are still as great as ever, and people continue to give generously through the Parish Envelope system.   Last year Donagh Parish contributed €7430.63. A sincere thank to all who contributed. Eucharistic Adoration: Calling all adorers of the Blessed Sacrament in Clogher Diocese. National Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Knock on Sunday 6th April. Call Glen on 086 827 5437 to enquire or book a seat. Full bus details on Ulster Provincial Pioneer Council host National Ball 2025: Saturday 5 th April, Mass in St Macartan’s Cathedral at 6.00pm, followed by dinner in Four Season’s Monaghan at 7.30pm. Music and dancing to Brendan McCahey Band. For more information contact Jim Halligan 087 673 4553. The Novena of Hope at The Graan: Sat 22nd March: 6.30pm Sunday services: 9am, 10.30am, 12 noon and 4pm   Weekdays: 12.30pm and 7.30pm, (except Wed 26th March, Mass at 11am & 7.30pm.)  Wed 26th March: Service for the Sick at 2.30pm.   Sat 29th March: 11am and 6.30pm. Sun 30th March: 9am, 10.30am, 12noon & 4pm.   Mon 31st March: 12.30pm and 7.30pm. The Graan phone: 048 66 322272.  Ann Mc Mahon and Fran Boyle are planning to walk a marathon (42k) on Saturday 5th April between Monaghan and Emy Lake in aid of Monaghan Alzheimer society and Monaghan Samaritans. The Samaritans are opening a new branch in Monaghan town at the end of June and will provide a listening ear to those feeling anxious and overwhelmed. We all know someone living with a diagnosis of dementia and the Alzheimer society locally provides much needed support to them and their families. All donations no matter how small will be gratefully received and can be given to Ann or Fran, or via the link to idonate by clicking walking marathon on  Thank you. Emyvale Leisure Centre: The Centre is 40 years old this year and the committee is grateful that major funding towards the roof was recently announced. A Community Celebration will be held in May, with people and clubs invited to share their memories and photographs of events held in the building since 1985. Contact Mary on 087 311 7271 if you wish to show anything for this historic display.  Emyvale Tidy Towns  Monaghan Co. Council supplied a bundle of native Irish tree saplings to mark Tree Week.  The National Spring Clean will be held on Saturday March 29th, in conjunction with the Monthly Litter Pick. A supply of bags and pickers will be distributed at 11am at the Parish Field carpark if you’d like to collect some for your own area. Refreshments will be provided afterwards.  Glaslough market - Saturday 29th March from 10am-4pm.  Lots for all the family ranging from cakes and bakes to jewellery and household items.  Please show your support to all the traders. A great day out for all the family. Donagh Development Fun Run and Walk (5k and 10k). To raise funds for toilet facilities at Emy lake, Friday 4th April. Emyvale GAA grounds. Registration 6.30pm - start 7pm.  €10 entry, kids under 16 free, refreshments afterwards.
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