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Donagh Parish Weekly Bulletin:
Parish Office For all enquiries: Call Parish Office 047- 87221 9am - 2pm Monday - Friday NEW EMAIL: Fr Hubert Martin 087 965 8829 St Vincent De Paul Freephone Number - 1800 677 777 St. Mary’s, Glennan: Sat 18th Jan (6.30pm) Vigil Anniv: Jim & Barry McKenna, Aughaloughan. Tue 21st Jan (10am) Wed 22nd Jan (10am) Thur 23rd Jan (10am) Sat 25th Jan (6.30pm) Vigil 1st Anniv: Martin McKenna, Fortjohnson Anniv: Margaret McAdam, Tirnaneill. St. Patrick’s, Corracrin: Sun 19th Jan (11am) Fri 24th Jan (7.30pm) Anniv: Jacqui McKenna, Main St, Emyvale. Anniv: Johnny & Harry McKenna, Dublin. Joe McKenna, Emyvale. Sun 26th Jan (11am) Donagh Oratory: Mon 20th Jan (10am) Tue 21st Jan (5pm-8pm) Eucharistic Adoration. Prayers of the faithful Celebrant: The Virgin Mary interceded for those who needed her Son’s help, may she intercede for us too as we address our prayers to the Father.  That our Holy Father Pope Francis may be granted health, strength and wisdom for his task as servant of the servants of God...Lord, hear us.  That those who rule and govern may use the talents of all in society to ensure the establishment of peace and justice throughout the world...Lord, hear us.  That couples who are preparing for marriage may grow in understanding and love as they prepare to dedicate their lives to one another...Lord, hear us. That our Catholic schools may be places of love and learning where all are welcomed and treated with deep respect and care...Lord, hear us.  That the prayers of the sick may be answered by means of healing and hope at God’s hands...Lord, hear us. Celebrant: All powerful God, listen with favour to our prayers and help us to place all of the gifts you have given us at your service and to love our neighbour as ourselves as you command. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ your Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen. Eucharistic ministers: St Mary’s Glennan: 25th Jan Lisa McGlade, Laura Hughes. St. Patrick’s, Corracrin: 26th Jan Eileen Mulligan, Angela McQuillan. Recently deceased: Catherine Kelly, Leitrim Village, formerly Monaghan Roddy McGee, Craigavon Frank Hughes, Ballinode Róisín McKenna, Scotstown Sheila Kelly, nee McAreavey, Roscommon Annie Gavin, nee McKenna, Dublin, formerly Dernalossett. Catholic Schools Week 2025 – Alive in Christ! Catholic Schools begins this weekend and continues until Saturday 25 January with the theme of Catholic Schools: Alive in Christ. We pray for and support our local Catholic schools so that, together with us, the parish community, they will be alive with the joy and hope that is Christ. Jesus Christ calls us together as a living faith community so that our schools, parish and families may support and animate one another. Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18-25 January 2025: The theme this year is “Do you believe this?” reflecting the confession of Martha to Jesus in the Gospel of John, chapter 11. This year also marks the 1700 th Anniversary of the Council of Nicaea in 325 which formulated the Nicene Creed we use to profess our faith each Sunday. Today, all Christians are called to renew our belief in God and to encounter God in Jesus, who is our hope, through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. A Christian Unity Week Service will take place at St Michael’s Church, Enniskillen on Thursday 23rd January at 7.30pm. All are welcome. Pilgrimage to Medjugorje direct from Dublin to Mostar, 30 minutes from Medjugorje 11th-18th of June; €805 if deposit of €200 is paid before January 31st 2025, otherwise €855 applies. Spiritual leader Rev John Chester. Group leader Marian Kane 087 2713260 for more information. Clogher don Óige Young Adult Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome 26 July - 5 August 2025: A limited number of places available for a 10-day pilgrimage to Rome for the Jubilee Year, open to young adults (18-30) a full pilgrimage programme including events with Pope Francis. Join over 1.5 million young people from across the world who are expected during these days to come together to celebrate their faith. More details at or email  Bus escort required for the Holy Family School, Cootehill. The bus starts and finishes in the Glaslough/Monaghan area. If interested and for more information please email . Lost and Found: A gentleman’s ring has been found recently in St. Mary’s, Glennan. Please contact parish office for more details.  Carrickroe Social Dancing: Music by Aidan Clerkin in Carrickroe Community Centre Sunday 26 th January from 7pm-9.30pm. Admission €10. Refreshments served. Emy & District Anglers are hosting a Pike Fly Fishing demonstration on 25th Jan. The event will be friendly and informal and will discuss angler safety, fish welfare and handling, importance of pike/eco system, locating fish, equipment, a talk through the season and much more. Everyone welcome.
Donagh Parish Weekly Bulletin:
Parish Office For all enquiries: Call Parish Office 047- 87221 9am - 2pm Monday - Friday NEW EMAIL: Fr Hubert Martin 087 965 8829 St Vincent De Paul Freephone Number - 1800 677 777 St. Mary’s, Glennan: Sat 18th Jan (6.30pm) Vigil Anniv: Jim & Barry McKenna, Aughaloughan. Tue 21st Jan (10am) Wed 22nd Jan (10am) Thur 23rd Jan (10am) Sat 25th Jan (6.30pm) Vigil 1st Anniv: Martin McKenna, Fortjohnson Anniv: Margaret McAdam, Tirnaneill. St. Patrick’s, Corracrin: Sun 19th Jan (11am) Fri 24th Jan (7.30pm) Anniv: Jacqui McKenna, Main St, Emyvale. Anniv: Johnny & Harry McKenna, Dublin. Joe McKenna, Emyvale. Sun 26th Jan (11am) Donagh Oratory: Mon 20th Jan (10am) Tue 21st Jan (5pm-8pm) Eucharistic Adoration. Prayers of the faithful Celebrant: The Virgin Mary interceded for those who needed her Son’s help, may she intercede for us too as we address our prayers to the Father.  That our Holy Father Pope Francis may be granted health, strength and wisdom for his task as servant of the servants of God...Lord, hear us.  That those who rule and govern may use the talents of all in society to ensure the establishment of peace and justice throughout the world...Lord, hear us.  That couples who are preparing for marriage may grow in understanding and love as they prepare to dedicate their lives to one another...Lord, hear us. That our Catholic schools may be places of love and learning where all are welcomed and treated with deep respect and care...Lord, hear us.  That the prayers of the sick may be answered by means of healing and hope at God’s hands...Lord, hear us. Celebrant: All powerful God, listen with favour to our prayers and help us to place all of the gifts you have given us at your service and to love our neighbour as ourselves as you command. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ your Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen. Eucharistic ministers: St Mary’s Glennan: 25th Jan Lisa McGlade, Laura Hughes. St. Patrick’s, Corracrin: 26th Jan Eileen Mulligan, Angela McQuillan. Recently deceased: Catherine Kelly, Leitrim Village, formerly Monaghan Roddy McGee, Craigavon Frank Hughes, Ballinode Róisín McKenna, Scotstown Sheila Kelly, nee McAreavey, Roscommon Annie Gavin, nee McKenna, Dublin, formerly Dernalossett. Catholic Schools Week 2025 – Alive in Christ! Catholic Schools begins this weekend and continues until Saturday 25 January with the theme of Catholic Schools: Alive in Christ. We pray for and support our local Catholic schools so that, together with us, the parish community, they will be alive with the joy and hope that is Christ. Jesus Christ calls us together as a living faith community so that our schools, parish and families may support and animate one another. Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18-25 January 2025: The theme this year is “Do you believe this?” reflecting the confession of Martha to Jesus in the Gospel of John, chapter 11. This year also marks the 1700 th Anniversary of the Council of Nicaea in 325 which formulated the Nicene Creed we use to profess our faith each Sunday. Today, all Christians are called to renew our belief in God and to encounter God in Jesus, who is our hope, through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. A Christian Unity Week Service will take place at St Michael’s Church, Enniskillen on Thursday 23rd January at 7.30pm. All are welcome. Pilgrimage to Medjugorje direct from Dublin to Mostar, 30 minutes from Medjugorje 11th-18th of June; €805 if deposit of €200 is paid before January 31st 2025, otherwise €855 applies. Spiritual leader Rev John Chester. Group leader Marian Kane 087 2713260 for more information. Clogher don Óige Young Adult Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome 26 July - 5 August 2025: A limited number of places available for a 10-day pilgrimage to Rome for the Jubilee Year, open to young adults (18-30) a full pilgrimage programme including events with Pope Francis. Join over 1.5 million young people from across the world who are expected during these days to come together to celebrate their faith. More details at or email  Bus escort required for the Holy Family School, Cootehill. The bus starts and finishes in the Glaslough/Monaghan area. If interested and for more information please email . Lost and Found: A gentleman’s ring has been found recently in St. Mary’s, Glennan. Please contact parish office for more details.  Carrickroe Social Dancing: Music by Aidan Clerkin in Carrickroe Community Centre Sunday 26 th January from 7pm- 9.30pm. Admission €10. Refreshments served. Emy & District Anglers are hosting a Pike Fly Fishing demonstration on 25th Jan. The event will be friendly and informal and will discuss angler safety, fish welfare and handling, importance of pike/eco system, locating fish, equipment, a talk through the season and much more. Everyone welcome.
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