All Content Copyright
The Wednesday Club ……………… HERE
Tidy Towns …………………………… HERE
Village Inhabitants ………………. HERE
Panto in 1977. ……………………. HERE
Local Emyvale Awards ……. HERE
Emyvale 1959 ………………………. HERE
Happy Emyvale …………….. HERE
fionn …………………here
Name them ………….. HERE
Ordinary Days on Main Street, Emyvale.
When did you see it without
a vehicle in sight?
Would this be dangerous to do today
As one of the main person involved in the
development and building of this Unit it gives me
great pleasure to see the lights on in every section
within the building proving that it was well worth
the effort to get it built and working. Many hours
were spent by myself and the late Seamus
McCluskey working with members of Monaghan
Enterprise Board in developing the plans and getting
ownership of the site on which we intended to build
it. It was built and open for use and soon was fully
occupied. We then stepped aside for a while to take
a breather and rest but when we went back it had
been handed over to others, who continued to claim
it even though it was still in our name. We were far
from happy but at least it has continued to provide
for those who use it.