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Community News: Emyvale Then and Now …….. HERE The Disappeared …….. HERE Childrens Hospital …….. HERE Delays can mean death ……. HERE Failing Health Services …..HERE Chilli Lounge ………………….. HERE Archives ………………………… HERE Contacts ………………………. HERE Links …………………………… HERE
Emyvale Leisure Centre Activities are in full swing at the Leisure Centre these days. Drop in to the Wednesday Social Morning in the Main Hall at 10.30am for tea, home baking and lots of chat. Or relax in the Reading Corner in the foyer and borrow some books. It’s open whenever the Centre is open including 6.30-9pm Monday to Friday. For general information and bookings contact caretaker Paul on 087 176 3236‬.
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Community News: Emyvale Then and Now …….. HERE The Disappeared …….. HERE Childrens Hospital …….. HERE Delays can mean death ……. HERE Failing Health Services …..HERE Chilli Lounge ………………….. HERE Archives ………………………… HERE Contacts   ………………………. HERE Links   …………………………… HERE
The Wednesday Club. The Wednesday Tea/Coffee mornings ceased operation for the Summer today Wednesday June 28th. The event reopened on Wednesday August 30th at the usual time of 10.30am. Emyvale Development Association, which is responsible for the event, thanked all who attended during the past year and hope that they all enjoyed it. There was great thanks expressed to those volunteers who help serve the tea/coffee and goodies and clean up afterwards, to those who help with the preparation of the hall, to those who attended as ‘Invited Speakers’ and a special word of thanks to Pat Deery and Vivian McKenna for their excellent input. The numbers attending remained steady throughout the past year but there is always room for more and everyone will be very welcome – you can put that date in your diary – any Wednesday at 10.30am