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ETSN Sing Song: HERE Truagh Events ….. HERE
Monaghan Leagues
The Senior league first fixture is due to throw in on 13 April with the first reserve B game schedule for 15 March
The Bs had a win away over Clontibret on a scoreline of 1.8 - 1.13
Platinum Tanks Reserve League Football Division 2B The Cs play at home this Saturday evening at 5pm. Toone
are the visitors.
GAA Club Draw – Do you want €50,000 Cash Tickets still available for this draw. Contact any club member to
secure your ticket for only €15. Some wonderful prizes on offer including €50,000,€20,000, €10,000 and 2 X
€5000 cash prizes to All Ireland tickets and hotel packages Can all club members leave their tickets back sold or
unsold with Barry McAnenly, Adrian Sherry or any committee member ASAP.
Safe Guarding course A great turnout for our safeguarding workshop which took place on March 11th, 2025. Well
done to all mentors and volunteers who took part.
Truagh Ladies fun run Keep Free Sunday 30 March for the ladies 5km. Gun goes off at 12:30pm
GT Joggers Couch to 5km will commence on Monday 31 March with a 6 week structured programme.
There are 3 tutor led training sessions per week. Monday 7:15 pm Wednesday 7:15 pm Friday 6:30
Venue: St. Mellans walking track ,Please contact Monica with any enquiries on 086-8304998
Registration Fee: €30.00 via club spot
Bird in the tree Coming to St Mellans from 11 to 13 April, watch out for more details.
Club Membership *REGISTRATION EVENING THIS THURSDAY FROM 7:30-9pm* You can now access all our
2025 membership options by logging into your Clubspot app which you downloaded last year. Newly selected lotto
numbers for the 2025 Gold, Silver and One Line Lotto plans cannot be chosen at the time of registering and must
be forwarded to our lotto co-ordinator Cathy McKenna before 31st March 2025 at
These 3 plans will be activated on the first weekly lotto draw in April.
Scór Sinsir/Senior Scór 2025 The Novelty Act team will head to the Ulster semi finals this Saturday 22 March .
The event is in Randalstown. Come along and support the guys. Good luck.
CM Tyres – Truagh Lotto results 10.02.25 No Jackpot winner. 14 – 15 – 22 - 23 2 x €50 winners Abbey
McKenna Mickey Leonard Next weeks Jackpot €9000
Club Merchandise Shop Fully Stocked and opened every Thursday evening from 7-8pm . Come along and get
kitted out for the season ahead.
Whistle while you work Earn €200 or €300 a week refereeing for Gaeil Truicha. We are calling out to all to get
active while earing yourself a few euro. Full support will be given to the people that take up this key role in the
club. Its vital that we have referees in the Club to facilitate games in the County. Contact any committee member
on how to get involved. This is open to everyone. All new refs will only be asked to referee local juvenile games.
(this will only be a stepping stone to Croke Park �� )
Liathroid Laimhe. St.Mellans Handball Club
Silver Hill Duck – St Mellans Masters With the 40x20 club season coming to a close in the next few weeks
we're delighted to launch two brand new club championships. The Silver Hill Duck - Senior Intermediate St
Mellans Masters is open to club members aged 40+ with the exception of anyone who has won an Ulster
Singles/Doubles A/B title or reached our club senior final in the last 5 seasons.The intermediate in particular would
be great for any novices & dads out there who would like to give GAA Handball a go. Anyone interested in
taking part, please let me know over the weekend. Thanks again to Silver Hill Duck for sponsoring the new
Adult Club Doubles Information on Club Doubles will be posted on social media and whatsapp in the coming
days. Keep an eye on this to see when you are scheduled to play.
Adult Ulster Championships Ulster singles fixtures have been sent out to the social media pages and whatsapp.
Games to start on the first week of April. Please check the fixtures to see when you are playing. Best of luck to all
our members taking part in the games.
Juveniles Coaching There will be a club shootout competition played next week, more details to follow. We
would like to thank the parents for supporting and providing their time throughout this season, especially
refereeing league games on weekends and helping the Club on this.
Club Membership Club membership is now due as we are now towards the end of the season. If you can use the
Foireann link that’s been sent out in the Whatsapp groups and follow the steps for registration and complete the
payment we would really appreciate it. Any issues with the links and completing registration please reach out to a
member of the committee. Thanks again for those who have completed it already.
Club Gear The online shop remains open for handball club gear. The link is a pinned post on our Facebook page
or order directly through website and click on Club Shops, St. Mellans. The online shop is open all year
Club Notes : If you would like to have something included in our weekly notes, please email – cut off for inclusion is 9pm on Monday evenings.