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Are you living in a ‘danger zone’ ??
When our Government decided to reduce a number of Irish
Hospitals to a Care Home type Monaghan was among the list.
We tried to stop them as we needed a Hospital nearer to
home than Cavan. The people of Monaghan, and especially
North Monaghan, would have to travel miles over very bad
roads to get to Cavan but for the decision makers that was
never taken into consideration. We claimed at the time that
people would die as a result of the time needed to get to a
hospital especially those involved in a collision, those with a
heart attack, and those with symptoms which needed
attention and treatment sooner rather than later. Now we are
being told that in Ireland an average of 28 people per week
are dying due to the late arrival at a hospital because of the
distance travelled to get there and then the wait for attention
due to the lack of nurses and doctors. Nurses, doctors and
consultants are scarce due to the attraction of other countries
where they are paid a decent wage. We have often claimed
that unless the numbers of nurses, doctors and consultants
increased in our health services death would come early for
many patients and that will only change when our
Government decides to make it more attractive for our
Nurses, Doctors and Consultants to work in Ireland. But they
should also rebuild the services available in local hospitals like
Monaghan. A patient in North Monaghan has to wait for an
ambulance, which could be anything up to an hour, and then
suffer the drive to Cavan. The Golden Hour, which is still the
time limit, is well past by the time the patient arrives in the
Emergency Room in Cavan. Survival would be doubtful.
However the chance of Monaghan getting the important
services back is doubtful as Monaghan is a forgotten place
and there is no one there to demand return of our needs.
Delays will cause the death of some but then who is to fight
our corner?