Tidy Towns:
All Content Copyright emyvale.net
All Content Copyright emyvale.net
Tidy Towns:
‘Hello to our wonderful community members , Emyvale Tidy Towns had a very successful 2023. The village & environs are looking good. This year Emyvale gained another 8 points in the national tidy towns competition. Please see the adjudicator's report see link here https://tidytowns-s3.s3.eu-west- 1.amazonaws.com/u_reports/2023/monaghan/2023- Monaghan-Emyvale-1042.pdf We are planning to do more good work in 2024. We need your financial help. Please donate whatever you can to our 2023 fundraising efforts link here https://gofund.me/fb4ebbca Many thanks to everyone in advance . We like to take this opportunity to wish you & yours a happy Christmas and a safe, peaceful 2024. kind regards, Emyvale Tidy Towns Committee https://gofund.me/fb4ebbca