Family Weekend in Tydavnet
The Family Weekend of Fun in Tydavnet got off to a great start on Saturday, May 28th with the Soccer tournament in the Killylough FC Field and all the side shows which went along with that. Then on Saturday night there was a great night in the Community Centre with great prizes and great craic. The Cake Sale on Sunday morning attracted a huge crowd and it was another success. The 5.5 mile walk/run/jog/cycle on Sunday afternoon also attracted a big crowd and the weather for the weekend was terrific. So Tydavnet had a fun filled weekend and we hope that there was a good response to the appeal for donations. Anyone who would like to donate and did not get a chance to go to Tydavnet, as there was a great many other things on, can do so by contacting Laura or Enda or any of the family. Well done to Laura and the band of willing helpers for the work in preparing for the weekend and implementing the plans successfully.
Thank you from organisers HERE
The 5.5 mile walk/jog/run/cycle HERE